Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Technology and Learning

A few years ago, I watched a documentary about Finland education system called "The Finland Phenomenon", their fascination of developing the perfect education is something made many people to talk about, especially us. Finland's school system has consistently becoming at the top for the international rankings for education systems. Their secret is simple and it's by going against the evaluation-driven, centralized model that much of the western world uses. Two of the key successes in Finland education is all teachers are required to have a Master's Degree, and they are selected from the top 10% of graduates. When I look back to my senior year in High School, I remember many students were dropping physics instantly after the first week, and it is not about the difficulty of the subject but it is about the teacher whom is less knowledgeable and the poor strategies of teaching that she was approaching her students. Looking at her education background, I realized that she is only had a bachelor's degree and that's a problem! Physics and Chemistry are very important subjects in science, and it's where teachers should have a well-satisfied knowledge, in addition to have certain knowledge toward students to help them understand the subject easily. Technology can be useful in learning but it can't replace  teachers. America needs to make new rules toward hiring only the well-qualified teachers or otherwise we would fall behind. 


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